Proven Taxpayer Watchdog!
As both a State Representative and State Senator, Andrew Koenig has led the fight to keep Missouri’s budget balanced while securing historic tax relief for Missouri’s working families, seniors, and small businesses.

“I have a proven record of successfully fighting for working-class Missourians in Jefferson City. I am proud to have sponsored and passed the first Missouri income tax cut in nearly a century, fought against crony capitalism and corporate handouts to big business, and been a champion of cutting government waste.”
Politicians Talk, Andrew Koenig Gets Things Done!
Andrew Koenig has a proven record of fighting for working-class Missouri families. In the legislature, Koenig led the charge to keep Missouri’s budget balanced while securing historic tax relief for Missouri’s working families, seniors, and small businesses. Andrew proudly sponsored and passed the first Missouri income tax cut in nearly a century, fought against crony capitalism and corporate handouts to big business, and championed cutting government waste.
Deep Missouri Roots
As a lifelong resident of Missouri, Andrew understands the importance of having an effective conservative voice protecting our tax dollars and values in Jefferson City.
Dedicated Husband and Father
Andrew and his wife, Brooke, have five children: Jeremiah, Isaac, Gideon, Lily, and Levi. They are active members of the West County Assembly of God and their community.
Job Creator
As a successful small business owner, Andrew knows firsthand the struggles job creators face with overbearing government regulations and increasing taxes. His commitment to lowering taxes has been demonstrated time and time again, including passing the first tax cut in nearly 100 years and the first corporate income tax cut. He has passed a record three tax cuts for Missouri families, cutting more taxes than any member in Missouri’s history.
Andrew Koenig Delivered for Missouri
Tax Relief and Economic Growth
Andrew Koenig has consistently fought for tax relief for Missouri’s working families, seniors, and small businesses. His leadership led to the first income tax cut in nearly a century, the first corporate income tax cut, and three overall tax cuts for Missourians. Andrew’s efforts have collectively cut more taxes than any other member in Missouri’s history. He believes that reducing the tax burden on Missourians will spur economic growth and create jobs.
Government Accountability and Fiscal Responsibility
Throughout his career, Andrew has fought against crony capitalism and corporate handouts to big businesses. He has been a champion of cutting government waste and reforming tax increment financing (TIF) dollars. Andrew’s commitment to fiscal responsibility ensures that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and efficiently.
Pro-Life Legislation
Andrew is a staunch advocate for pro-life policies. He sponsored and passed the pro-life heartbeat bill, the strongest Pro-Life Bill in Missouri History, and has been endorsed by Missouri Right to Life.
Second Amendment Rights
With a 100% pro-Second Amendment stance and an A rating from the NRA, Andrew Koenig is a fierce defender of the right to bear arms. He believes in protecting the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens and will continue to oppose any efforts to infringe upon these rights.
Education Reform
Andrew has been a proponent of school choice, passing two significant school choice bills. He believes that parents should have the ability to choose the best educational opportunities for their children, ensuring that every child has access to a quality education. He will continue to fight the Woke Indoctrination of Missouri children.